My home and garden:

Welcome to my blog. I hope you get plenty of enjoyment and inspiration out of it. My style is a well-sifted mix of vintage, classic, country, and a little shabby chic, combined with an obsession with storage and organisation. I have based my styling decisions on the era and feel of my little cottage house - it is about to celebrate it's 100th year anniversary, barely 140m2 on a steep little quarter-acre block looking out to the Paremata inlet, marina, and up to the hills of Whitirea Park.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Welcome to my blog.

I never thought I'd be the kind of person to blog. It always seemed a little presumptious. However I've found over the last few years of home-making in my 2 latest homes that I actually can't help myself. Its so much fun that obviously every one of my Facebook friends and family needs to hear and see all about it, barely escaping minute detail of how, when and why I did each new project! So, ignoring my better judgement (I already have far too many projects to fill my time) I am going to proceed to presume that you, my reader, are actually interested in my home and garden, and it's up to you to then to either read or not. Really, you're doing my Facebook friends the most enormous favour.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, a blogger in the family. I guess it had to happen
